I get the biggest kick from homebrewing!
If you're anything like me, then you like experimenting with your homebrews. That's where I get the biggest kick out of homebrewing actually. If I want a solid pale ale, I'll go out and buy a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. If I want a dry stout with no aroma, I'll go and get a Guinness. But if I want a Double IPA with seven different types of hops at eight different addition times? Pliny ain't even gonna give you that. But I can.
But even when it comes to searching for creativity within the BJCP guidelines, it can get a bit dull. So we must push forward and stretch our imaginations beyond just the styles we're accustomed to.
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What do we find there? Chocolate IPAs, Licorice Stouts, Bubblegum Lagers, and Bleu Cheese Belgian Dubbels. While I've never heard of commercial versions of these (or even homebrewed versions), I can imagine they'd be stupendously innovative.
And while you may scoff at the ideas of these creative beer ideasor quite possibly even gag slightlyit's inventive ideas like these that bring with them paradigm shifts in the brewing world. Heck, if it weren't for Sam Calagione, who wanted a bit more of a hop flavor in his beers, we wouldn't have Randall. It if weren't for Vinnie Cilurzo who wanted a bigger, badder IPA, we wouldn't have Double IPAs. And if it weren't for Goose Island aging a stout in bourbon barrels in 1992, who knows when that trend would have made it's way over from Europe? (Okay, bad example, but you get the idea.)
What I'm saying is, homebrewing is built for experimentation. And while I'm sure plenty of people brew at home simply to save a few bucks (I guess), that's not the reason I do it. I'm looking for creativity, originality, and some innovation in just about all of my recipes.
And this one was no exception!
I love bananas. I love bread. I even love banana bread. So I figured why not throw them all in the same mixture?!
I've had Wells Banana Bread Beer before, but it's nothing too special. Sure, it has a hint of banana, but no bread to speak of. I wanted to redesign this idea and do to beer what runts did to candy (they made it more banana-y).
And I'm not gonna lie, even though I did a lot of research going into the brew day, I definitely winged it a bunch. But don't worry, I did take plenty of notes, so even though it wasn't 100% pre-planned, it can still be 100% re-brewed. Hope you enjoy this little experiment as much as I did
Banana Bread Beer
Batch Size (Gal): 1
Total Grain (Lbs): 3.35
Starting Water (Gal): 2.3
Pre-boil Water (Gal): 1.67
Anticipated OG: 1.063
Anticipated FG: 1.015
Anticipated ABV: 6.3%
Anticipated SRM: 15.2
Anticipated IBU: 24
Mash Efficiency: 68%
Wort Boil Time: 60 minutes
59.7% 2.00 lbs. 2-Row Base
6.6% 0.22 lbs. Aromatic
6.6% 0.22 lbs. Honey
4.6% 0.15 lbs. Special B
4.6% 0.15 lbs. Wheat (unmalted)
11.9% 0.40 lbs. Bananas (sliced, oven-riped)3 small-ish bananas
6.0% 0.20 lbs. 2 Slices of Bread (Dave's Killer Bread: 21 Whole Grains)
0.11 oz Northern Brewer (whole, 9% AA) @ 60 min
0.11 oz Fuggles (whole, 5% AA) @ 40 min
0.11 oz Tettnanger (pellet, 4% AA) @ 20 min
Wyeast 1010 American Wheat (74-78% attenuation, 58-74F)
Protein rest 30 min @ 140F
Saccharification rest 60 min @ 156F
Mashout @ 170F
One sliced banana at flameout
5/11/12 Brewed 1 gal. Started with 2.3 gal of water BIAB style. Oven ripened 6oz. of banana slices (3 bananas sliced on pan for 30min @ 300F) and 2 slices of whole grain wheat bread (Dave's Killer Bread: 21 Whole Grains) into whining of mash. Protein Rest @ 140F for 30min, Saccharification Rest @ 156F for 60min, Mash Out @ 170F for 10min. 60min boil. One banana at end of boil. OG=1.062 (Overshot! Hooray efficiency!) Pitched dregs from Anbrew Weaveweizen (Wyeast 1010-American Wheat)
5/13/12 Woke up to exploding fermenter smelling like sulfur. Never had a beer smell this rancid. Wow, it's seriously bad. Hard to believe it's not a ruined batch, but I know it's a common smell during perfectly normal fermentations and it should subside within a week or so.
5/23/12 Beer looked insanely foggy with chunks of banana and bread floating around. Filtered (with a grain bag) and racked to secondary. Doesn't smell of bananas at all. Will probably add banana, hazelnut, and vanilla extract.
6/4/12 Added some hazelnut and vanilla extract to the fermenter, then bottled eight 12oz bottles, smelled heavenly and tasted like a banana cream pie. With some CO2 and a bit colder, it should taste amazing.
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Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 10/29/2016